Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

National projects

QUAERO CTC and Corpus Projects (OSEO)

Participants : Kamil Adiloglu, Frédéric Bimbot, Laurence Catanese, Armando Muscariello, Alexey Ozerov, Gabriel Sargent, Emmanuel Vincent.

Main academic partners : IRCAM, IRIT, LIMSI, Telecom ParisTech

Quaero is a European research and development program with the goal of developing multimedia and multilingual indexing and management tools for professional and general public applications (such as search engines).

This program is supported by OSEO. The consortium is led by Thomson. Other companies involved in the consortium are: France Télécom, Exalead, Bertin Technologies, Jouve, Grass Valley GmbH, Vecsys, LTU Technologies, Siemens A.G. and Synapse Développement. Many public research institutes are also involved, including LIMSI-CNRS, INRIA, IRCAM, RWTH Aachen, University of Karlsruhe, IRIT, Clips/Imag, Telecom ParisTech, INRA, as well as other public organisations such as INA, BNF, LIPN and DGA.

METISS is involved in two technological domains : audio processing and music information retrieval (WP6). The research activities (CTC project) are focused on improving audio and music analysis, segmentation and description algorithms in terms of efficiency, robustness and scalability. Some effort is also dedicated on corpus design, collection and annotation (Corpus Project).

METISS also takes part to research and corpus activities in multimodal processing (WP10), in close collaboration with the Texmex project-team.


Participants : Rémi Gribonval, Prasad Sudhakar, Emmanuel Vincent, Nancy Bertin, Valentin Emiya, Nikolaos Stefanakis.

Duration: 3 years (started January 2009). Partners: A. Cohen, Laboratoire J. Louis Lions (Paris 6); F. Ollivier et J. Marchal, Laboratoire MPIA / Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert (Paris 6); L. Daudet, Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique (Paris 6/7).

The objective of the ECHANGE project (ECHantillonage Acoustique Nouvelle GEnération) is to setup a theoretical and computational framework, based on the principles of compressed sensing, for the measurement and processing of complex acoustic fields through a limited number of acoustic sensors.


Participants : Yannick Benezeth, Frédéric Bimbot, Guylaine Le Jan, Grégoire Bachman, Nathan Souviraà-Labastie.

Duration: 2.5 years (2010-2012). Partners: Technicolor (ex Thomson R&D), Artefacto, Bilboquet, Soniris, ISTIA, Télécom Bretagne, Cap Canal

The Rev-TV project aims at developping new concepts, algorithms and systems in the production of contents for interactive television based on mixed-reality.

In this context, the Metiss research group is focused on audio processing for the animation of an avatar (lip movements, facial expressions) and the control of interactive functionalities by voice and vocal noises.